Status impact color legend
  • Black impact: None
  • Yellow impact: Minor
  • Orange impact: Major
  • Blue impact: Maintenance
Monitoring - This public switch has rebooted for an unexpected reason. However, all the production traffic has been restored and we put this switch under monitoring.
Dec 06, 2024 - 09:13 CET
Identified - We have noticed an unexpected increase in bandwidth billing.

Some resources continue to be billed even though the bandwidth has already been billed.

Our engineers are working to resolve this

Dec 05, 2024 - 14:48 CET
Monitoring - Situation is back to normal, we are monitoring.
Dec 03, 2024 - 17:29 CET
Update - All metrics & logs excepts Cockpit one are back to normal
Dec 03, 2024 - 14:19 CET
Investigating - Scaleway metrics and logs are not properly ingested, no impact on custom metrics, logs and traces.
Dec 03, 2024 - 14:01 CET

About This Site

Welcome to the Scaleway Status website. Here, you can view the status of all Scaleway services across all products and availability zones (AZs). We are currently making a few adjustments to enhance your navigation and overall experience. Over the next couple of weeks, you will see some changes to the website. Our team is here to assist you, and we appreciate your patience.

Dedibox - Products Operational
Dedibox Operational
Hosting Operational
SAN Operational
Dedirack Operational
Dedibackup Operational
Domains Operational
RPN Operational
Dedibox Console Operational
Elements - Products Partial Outage
Object Storage Operational
Serverless-Database Operational
Website Operational
Instances Operational
Scaleway Glacier Operational
Block Storage Operational
Elastic Metal Operational
Apple Silicon Operational
Kubernetes Kapsule Operational
Container Registry Partial Outage
Private Network Operational
Load Balancer Operational
Domains Operational
Serverless Functions and Containers Operational
Jobs Operational
Databases Operational
IoT Hub Operational
Web Hosting ? Operational
Observability Degraded Performance
Transactional Email Operational
Network Operational
Account API Operational
Billing API Operational
Elements Console Operational
Elements - AZ Degraded Performance
fr-par-1 Operational
fr-par-2 Operational
fr-par-3 Operational
nl-ams-1 Operational
pl-waw-1 Degraded Performance
nl-ams-2 Operational
pl-waw-2 Degraded Performance
nl-ams-3 Operational
pl-waw-3 Degraded Performance
Dedibox - Datacenters Operational
DC2 Operational
DC3 Operational
DC5 Operational
AMS Operational
Miscellaneous Operational
Excellence Operational
Degraded Performance
Partial Outage
Major Outage
Past Incidents
Dec 6, 2024
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Dec 6, 12:24 CET
Identified - Our team has identified the problem and it affects very few organisations.
Dec 6, 08:19 CET
Investigating - Some customers may encounter 403 errors when accessing the Scaleway console. Our teams are currently investigating.
Dec 6, 07:54 CET
Dec 5, 2024
Resolved - Following our investigation into the recent reboot of the public switch inside rack S46-F2 at our DC3 data center, we have determined that there are no issues on our end
Dec 5, 14:31 CET
Monitoring - We would like to inform you that the public switch inside rack S46-F2 at our DC3 data center has rebooted. Our technical team is currently investigating the cause of the reboot and working diligently to ensure that all services are restored.
Dec 5, 14:00 CET
Dec 4, 2024
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Dec 4, 18:00 CET
Investigating - Newly created ARM nodes in 1.31+ will be in notReady status. If upgrading to 1.31 ARM nodes will be in notReady status.
Dec 3, 15:45 CET
Dec 3, 2024
Resolved - The 28/11 we migrated the end of nl-ams-1 (~1000vms) zone instead of making it a day without migration because of the black friday the 29.
It accelerated the migration of fr-par-2 (1700~ vms) which happened the 2/12 instead of 3/12 and the beginning of fr-par-1 (1700~ vms) which happened the 3/12 instead of 4/12

Dec 3, 17:05 CET
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Dec 3, 13:43 CET
Monitoring - A fix has been implemented and we are monitoring the results.
Nov 29, 10:06 CET
Update - We are continuing to investigate this issue.
Nov 28, 18:20 CET
Investigating - Serverless containers using registry are unable to start and function deployments will end up in error
Nov 28, 15:28 CET
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Dec 3, 13:36 CET
Monitoring - Between the 20th of november 04:53:11 UTC and the 21st of november 10:19:26 UTC, some packetloss and high latency could be observed due to a faulty link.
The link has been isolating and we are working on it.

Nov 22, 11:21 CET
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Dec 3, 13:35 CET
Monitoring - Since 15/11 morning (around 11:30am), our API Gateway has been experiencing instabilities in the fr-par zone. These instabilities have since been restored by our engineers, who have been monitoring the situation since 2:55pm.

If you are still experiencing slowness, we invite you to create an incident ticket with our support team.

The Scaleway team thanks you for your cooperation and understanding!

Nov 22, 11:35 CET
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Dec 3, 13:17 CET
Monitoring - A fix has been implemented and we are monitoring the results.
Dec 3, 13:01 CET
Investigating - S3 API on nl-ams region is experiencing elevated error-rate, we're investigating
Dec 3, 12:34 CET
Dec 2, 2024
Resolved - The issue has been fully resolved.

Our investigation revealed that a faulty node caused a disruption in our internal network traffic, leading to the errors experienced during the incident.

We are implementing additional monitoring to help prevent and quickly detect similar issues in the future.

We apologize again for any inconvenience this may have caused and appreciate your patience and understanding.

This incident is now closed.

Dec 2, 14:57 CET
Monitoring - Impacted products: Serverless Functions/Containers

Between 2024-12-02 11:50 UTC and 2024-12-02 12:10 UTC, we have experienced an issue preventing functions and containers endpoints (default and custom domain) to be accessible. Some requests might have timed out, while others returned 403 or 5xx errors.
It should be ok now, but we are still trying to find out the root cause. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Dec 2, 13:30 CET
Completed - The scheduled maintenance has been completed.
Dec 2, 11:30 CET
In progress - Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Dec 2, 11:00 CET
Scheduled - We will apply a system update on the Dedibox Classic webhostings. The FTP access to the backup service will be unavailable during the maintenance.
Downtime is estimated to 30 minutes.

Nov 27, 15:11 CET
Resolved - The switch has been replaced.
Dec 2, 03:03 CET
Investigating - Switch h6-6b51-2.ams1 is down, all the servers on it are unreachable. We're currently working on it.
Dec 1, 22:18 CET
Dec 1, 2024
Nov 30, 2024

No incidents reported.

Nov 29, 2024
Completed - The scheduled maintenance has been completed.
Nov 29, 11:30 CET
In progress - Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Nov 29, 11:00 CET
Scheduled - We will apply an update on the webhosting cPanel platform pl-waw-001. Websites hosted on this server will be unreachable during the maintenance. Downtime is estimated to 10 minutes.
Nov 27, 14:54 CET
Nov 28, 2024
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Nov 28, 14:23 CET
Monitoring - A fix has been implemented and we are monitoring the results.
Nov 22, 11:37 CET
Investigating - Starting on 2024/11/14 17:47 UTC, clients might experience issues pushing/pulling images from due to a certificate issue.

As a result, users from Serverless Functions/Containers using an image hosted on might also get impacted, as their functions/containers won't be able to start (unable to pull images). Impacts for Serverless Functions/Containers are:
- instances that cannot start (scale up might be impossible)
- requests timeouting or 5xx errors if no instances are available

We are currently investigating this issue, and apologize for the inconvenience.

Nov 22, 11:36 CET
Completed - The scheduled maintenance has been completed.
Nov 28, 11:30 CET
In progress - Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Nov 28, 11:00 CET
Scheduled - We will apply an update on the webhosting cPanel platform nl-ams-001. Websites hosted on this server will be unreachable during the maintenance. Downtime is estimated to 10 minutes.
Nov 27, 14:45 CET
Nov 27, 2024
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Nov 27, 10:17 CET
Monitoring - We are currently facing delays impacting our outgoing traffic.
The issue is following a deletion of the reverse DNS records (PTR) of our sending IPs. In consequence, some recipient servers are rejecting emails.
The issue is being fixed, the traffic is going back to normal.

Nov 26, 12:30 CET
Nov 26, 2024
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Nov 26, 20:52 CET
Investigating - Starting at 18h06 UTC, we encountered a huge spike in frontal bandwith, saturating inter-dc connections and causing latencies and errors. The traffic started to drop at 18h25 UTC, we are currently checking everything and working on solving any eventual issues.
Nov 26, 19:55 CET
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Nov 26, 17:25 CET
Investigating - Our IP ranges are currently blacklisted at UCEPROTECTL3.

Our engineers are currently working on resolving this.

Nov 22, 11:17 CET
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Nov 26, 07:52 CET
Investigating - Switch down in DC2 room 203-b rack I13, block B. All the servers attached to it are impacted.
We're already working to resolve the situation.

Nov 25, 16:11 CET
Nov 25, 2024
Nov 24, 2024

No incidents reported.

Nov 23, 2024

No incidents reported.

Nov 22, 2024
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Nov 22, 11:30 CET
Investigating - We are currently investigating this issue.
Nov 22, 09:45 CET
Resolved - The domain score calculation and report had an issue that lead to domain being blocked.
Date/time: November 19th from 2pm to November 21th 4pm (Paris time)

Nov 22, 10:01 CET
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Nov 22, 10:01 CET
Monitoring - The fix has been applied, a job run should be able to be run normally

We are monitoring the situation

Nov 12, 12:36 CET
Identified - The issue has been identified and a fix will be deployed
Nov 12, 11:07 CET
Investigating - Jobs can no longer be running in the cluster, they stuck in queued status

Our team is actively working on restoring full functionality. Please bear with us as we address the issue to ensure reliable service

Nov 12, 10:49 CET
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Nov 22, 10:00 CET
Monitoring - A fix has been implemented and we are monitoring the results.
Nov 14, 20:36 CET
Update - We are continuing to investigate this issue.
Nov 14, 19:30 CET
Update - We are continuing to investigate this issue.
Nov 14, 19:17 CET
Investigating - Starting on 2024/11/14 17:47 UTC, clients might experience issues pushing/pulling images from due to a certificate issue.

As a result, users from Serverless Functions/Containers using an image hosted on might also get impacted, as their functions/containers won't be able to start (unable to pull images). Impacts for Serverless Functions/Containers are:
- instances that cannot start (scale up might be impossible)
- requests timeouting or 5xx errors if no instances are available

We are currently investigating this issue, and apologize for the inconvenience.

Nov 14, 19:13 CET
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Nov 22, 09:59 CET
Monitoring - Since Friday morning (around 11:30am), our API Gateway has been experiencing instabilities in the fr-par zone. These instabilities have since been restored by our engineers, who have been monitoring the situation since 2:55pm.

If you are still experiencing slowness, we invite you to create an incident ticket with our support team.

The Scaleway team thanks you for your cooperation and understanding!

Nov 15, 15:59 CET
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Nov 22, 09:59 CET
Identified - Our IP ranges are currently blacklisted at UCEPROTECTL3.

Our engineers are currently working on resolving this.

Nov 18, 08:16 CET
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Nov 22, 09:56 CET
Monitoring - Between the 20th of november 04:53:11 UTC and the 21st of november 10:19:26 UTC, some packetloss and high latency could be observed due to a faulty link.
The link has been isolating and we are working on it.

Nov 21, 11:39 CET
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Nov 22, 09:56 CET
Monitoring - A fix has been implemented and we are monitoring the results.
Nov 21, 12:25 CET
Investigating - blacklisted by Microsoft.

We are currently working on it.

Nov 5, 17:06 CET